Recent content by Awesome-o

  1. Awesome-o

    XF 1.4 Version check

    I'm fixing a broken (some files deleted accidentally) install and need to determine the version before repairing. Where might I look for this? thanks
  2. Awesome-o

    Swedish language Phrases are in an XML document, so it's probably in line with what you've already done.
  3. Awesome-o

    Swedish language

    I Googled "Forum software by XenForo" and medlemmar and found and , till exempel.
  4. Awesome-o

    XML Sitemap for XenForo 1.3 [Not needed, included in 1.4]

    duh.... it's my first day on the interwebz, apparently. o_O must say it didn't really jump out at me, thanks Brogan
  5. Awesome-o

    XML Sitemap for XenForo 1.3 [Not needed, included in 1.4]

    Installed, fantastic. Wanted to add a review as requested but.... where? I see nowhere to do it here. This is the first add-on I installed on a brand new production XF install after coming over from vB.
  6. Awesome-o

    joomla-xF shared userregistration and templates

    also hoping to get onboard with this. Seems to be working rather well on!
  7. Awesome-o

    Load balancing/app platform/AWS Elastic Beanstalk

    I'll let you know, I'm currently moving a (previously) vB4 site to AWS and plan to set it up for the best scaling structure, which I guess is the elastic beanstalk. What a name! Used the importer yesterday (flawless, quick) and now running XF 1.2.x.
  8. Awesome-o

    joomla-xF shared userregistration and templates

    Cheesegrits, will you be putting it on github? I'm testing jFusion with Joomla 3.0 currently.
  9. Awesome-o

    Thanks KAM for the free license extension!

    Wish I could also say I was pleased to have received the license extensions. I guess being an early multi-license adopter isn't such a bonus.
  10. Awesome-o

    Bootstrap theme/style complexity of adaption?

    With things coming back to normal, I'm planning some production sites. I'll be using Bootstrap on non-forum elements. Bootstrap uses jQuery current (1.9.x?). Current XF is using a time-capsule version of jQuery. (1.5.2) Assuming the next version of XF resolves the jQuery problem and gets...
  11. Awesome-o

    Which one is better: Photoshop vs Illustrator?

    Apples and Kiwis. Refine pictures: Photoshop (Illustrator doesn't do that) Design logos: Illustrator (vector image handling is superior)
  12. Awesome-o

    Is XenForo worth it?

    soon, but not now. I'll be picking up a third license and am happy to now dump vBulletin. I am not pleased at all with vB5 disConnect. With the lawsuit in the past, I'm comfortable moving forward with production installations.
  13. Awesome-o

    joomla-xF shared userregistration and templates

    you're not alone there brother
  14. Awesome-o

    joomla-xF shared userregistration and templates

    I couldn't find it. Abandoned again, eh?
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