Recent content by Andz

  1. Andz

    Forcing the board url

    Ah, I see. I must have had the page cached or something, I couldn't see the updated links. Oh well, I think I'm just going to keep the www., seems to be a lot of trouble trying to get this to work.
  2. Andz

    Forcing the board url If you view the source (or just look at some of the links), they are linking to the www. version of the URL and use full URLs.
  3. Andz

    Forcing the board url

    I changed the base href in the templates, and it does change all the links to images, css, javascript, since those links are relative URLs. But all links to actual pages are absolute URLs, and use the www. in it. As an alternative, is it possible to just set all links to use relative URLs?
  4. Andz

    Forcing the board url

    How can I force all links in xenforo to use a different subdomain? I am currently using the rewrite engine to mask urls from to (And yes, I need to mask, I can't redirect.) The problem is, all the links still link to I'd like to remove the www...
  5. Andz

    XF Optimise [Deleted]

    Why is minifying the HTML not recommended for newer versions of XF?
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