Recent content by AceTechie

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    XF 2.1 Adding username to email template...

    Hi, did you manage to find the answer to this?
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    XF 2 Small request for username in email template

    Hi, did you manage to find the answer to this?
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    XF 2.0 Missing inline meta info on Tags and Search result pages

    Bumping it up - I have now upgraded to 2.1, still I am having the same issue. I am using the default theme. is there any setting or configuration that I may have turned off? Can you please advise which template populates these meta links? I can check that one to verify.
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    XF 2.0 Missing inline meta info on Tags and Search result pages

    Hi Brogan - I am using the default style - is there any setting or configuration that I may have turned off? Can you please advise which template populates these meta links? I can check that one to verify.
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    XF 2.0 Missing inline meta info on Tags and Search result pages

    Hi Fellow XF users, I have a XF based forum running XF v2.0.7. My forum has a peculiar problem where inline meta information is missing from thread list on the tags and search result pages. For ex. see the below snapshot from XF tags page: My form is not showing this list at all. I am just...
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    XF 2.0 Where to insert custom codes on Xenforo Header?

    Hi @xTrisx - how did you add custom code in email header? Can you please share details? Thanks in anticipation.
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    Digital Point Ad Positioning

    Yup, I know, I have read it! Is there anyway I can achieve the mentioned functionality of inserting ads within a post between its paragraphs without this plugin - through some sort of a template conditional or other code in template? I will really appreciate any help here. Thx.
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    Digital Point Ad Positioning

    Hi @digitalpoint - dude by any chance you plan to bring this out for XF 2. I recently upgraded and I am missing the functionality of inserting ads between paragraphs in a post. In case you don't have plans for a XF2 release, can you please guide me to insert ads within a post after first...
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    Insert advertisement in random position within a message

    Thanks for sharing this, however, this does not allow me to insert an ad after first paragraph in the first post. Do you have any ideas how I can achieve it?
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    Insert advertisement in random position within a message

    Hi @AndyB - thanks for your response. However, this is not what I am looking for. I am looking for a solution through which I can insert Ad within the first post in a thread. For example, if there are 5 paragraphs in the first post, then I would want the advertisement to be inserted at any...
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    Insert advertisement in random position within a message

    Hi XF Community, I recently upgraded to XF 2 and I am going crazy to insert advertisements at random position within a message in a thread. Back in XF 1 - the add on - Digital Point Position Ads used to provide this feature wherein, ads could be inserted randomly at any position within a...
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    [HA] Download Loading Page

    Hi @Dadparvar - any inputs please. I urgently need to set this up on my production. Thanks!
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    [HA] Download Loading Page

    Hey Dadparvar, I just implemented your add on to one of my website. Now the problem is i use global Ad templates to show ads above the content and below the content. In addition, I use template exclusions to remove ads from non content pages (as per adsense policy). I use the below conditional...
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    [HA] Download Loading Page

    I get your point. Let me try on my website. Another question - are you aware if it is allowed in Adsense policy to implement ads on "download loading" page?
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