Recent content by Mr Lucky

  1. Mr Lucky

    XF 2.3 Set light variation as default for guests

    By default I presume the meaning the style that shows until the user chooses another.
  2. Mr Lucky

    XF 2.3 Set light variation as default for guests

    No, he just wanted light to be default, not to lose the option for dark - unless I’m misunderstanding. He wants variations options but change the default from system to light.
  3. Mr Lucky

    Modifying the color palette in 2.3

    I found you can do it all with color palette.
  4. Mr Lucky

    XF 2.3 Set light variation as default for guests

    Now I am officially confused. Admins can easily choose whether or not to have variations and which style is default.
  5. Mr Lucky

    XF 2.3 Set light variation as default for guests

    You But if that is the case why have Variations at all?
  6. Mr Lucky

    XF 2.2 How can I build a good footer?

    Without in addon you need to add html to PAGE_CONTAINER template. I added it just below the copyright line <xf:if contentcheck="true"> <div class="p-footer-debug"> Or you could pit it above the copyright line <xf:if contentcheck="true"> <div class="p-footer-copyright">...
  7. Mr Lucky

    Light Theme Is So Underrated

    As is the light theme. I kind of wish there was a default halfway between theme.
  8. Mr Lucky

    XF 2.2 Limit no. of characters or lines in a custom thread field text box

    I want to limit number of characters or lines in a custom thread field text box. How I can do this? Many thanks
  9. Mr Lucky

    XF 2.2 How can I remove the ability for Users to edit a quote when they reply?

    That isn’t possible in the core xenForo. I just made it against the rules. If someone does it in a way that misleads, ie changes the meaning of what someone said, then I would give them a warning which could lead to a ban if they repeat offend. Otherwise normal editing that is for brevity or...
  10. Mr Lucky

    Light Theme Is So Underrated

    I doubt they will find a theme that everyone is happy with. You just cannot please everyone. Point being it should be easily customisable. Which if 2.3 is anything to go by it will be.
  11. Mr Lucky

    Light Theme Is So Underrated

    But you don't need to with 2.3, when you use variations, because the default is to go with user's system settings. IMO this is one of the best things about 2.3
  12. Mr Lucky

    Light Theme Is So Underrated

    Agreed, plus dark themes are so 1997.
  13. Mr Lucky

    XF 2.2 Download my website to your PC

    See here (second section: On your computer )
  14. Mr Lucky

    WebP image add-on for XF 2.1

    This is what I am finding also so maybe a few more years before webp :(
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