Recent content by Mendalla

  1. Mendalla

    Light Theme Is So Underrated

    Non-fan of dark theme/mode here. Agree with the posters above for the most part.
  2. Mendalla

    XF 2.0 How can we change the time period to edit post?

    Not a thread, no, but you could have a forum with a different edit period by giving Registered Users (or other appropriate group) Unlimited Edit Own Post rights in that node. I suppose you could then restrict who can start threads to yourself and create that thread in that forum. Just thinking...
  3. Mendalla

    XF 2.2 GIPHY integration, image proxy bypass and audio uploads

    You should post that in the Suggestions forum, then.
  4. Mendalla

    What are you listening to?

    Nice. For many years, one of my favourite operatic duets.
  5. Mendalla

    What are you listening to?

    Viking metal. Going on a cruise that includes all three Scandinavian countries so figured it was fitting music.
  6. Mendalla

    Separate Admin and Regular Accounts

    I have ID 1 as its own thing and only use it occasionally for things like promotion and demotion of admin accounts. I have my own separate admin account for day-to-day work. Then there's my actual user account for posting. The other admin uses the same setup.
  7. Mendalla

    Separate Admin and Regular Accounts

    IT best practice is to keep them separate but for a small, non-commercial site, not sure it is really necessary as long as you have a secure login and MFA enabled. I currently do have a separate admin account but I am also an IT manager in my day job so tend to stick to best practices even with...
  8. Mendalla

    The Google SEO leaks

    Google has confirmed authenticity.
  9. Mendalla


    Not that any angel when it comes to puns. Sometimes my sense of humour tends to toe the line.
  10. Mendalla

    Lack of interest Do you want to mark the forums as read before leaving?

    Clears the flag that shows posts as "New" thereby clearing the bold from threads/forums that shows they contain unread posts and New Posts will be empty. IOW just simulates you going through and reading everything. I tend to use it when I have a big backlog of New Posts to read and don't think...
  11. Mendalla

    A way to insert symbols

    Given that we know the editor is changing in 3.0, I would say it is unlikely to be addressed until then or later. I haven't seen the need myself but also rarely use the Insert Symbol in Office, too.
  12. Mendalla

    Is this good UI design ? (example - content starts 11 areas down

    Oo, I do like this. Is it custom to you or built with off-the-rack style/add-ons? Not sure I am up for a redesign now but maybe when the 3.0 upgrade comes and I have to get my styling redone anyhow.
  13. Mendalla

    New user control for fresh registered users

    Um, and that's not just marketing hype? I mean, seriously, what did you expect them to say. That said, I do use hCaptcha myself and it seems to do the job without being a big headache for anyone. Certainly better than the previous captcha we had (whatever that was, it's been so long now).
  14. Mendalla

    12 Years of Forums. What have you learned?

    I've been a member on sites for almost 20 years (next year, I think, will be 20 years on one) but only been an admin for 10.
  15. Mendalla

    Is this good UI design ? (example - content starts 11 areas down

    With the right style framework, you can sometimes streamline things, though. I know that I have managed to do a version of my site (that I ultimately did not deploy) using some features of @Russ' Xenbase framework and the Flat Awesome+ style that he based our styling on that gave a more...
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