Recent content by Jeremy P

  1. Jeremy P

    XF 2.3 "CommunityHive" causing problems with cronjobs.

    I wouldn’t recommend that as it will leave orphaned data that could be troublesome in the future. There are also a couple of jobs which should always be in that table, otherwise some things like cron entries will not run as expected. In case you removed all of them, you may get the necessary...
  2. Jeremy P

    XF 2.2 \XF\Job\AbstractRebuildJob and $user->delete() error (I have fixed it but needed better solution)

    This implies you have user entities with no corresponding profile entity/relation. That should never be the case, so it's worth trying to figure out how that might have happened to begin with, but ultimately you can just create the corresponding records in your database.
  3. Jeremy P

    XF 2.2 File health check on cloud

    It was a patch, should be sorted now (or pretty soon) I think.
  4. Jeremy P

    XF 2.3 Set light variation as default for guests

    Not exactly, the system preference works entirely client-side so the server has no knowledge/visibility of the active variation. You would have to use JavaScript.
  5. Jeremy P

    XF 2.3 Set light variation as default for guests

    Hopefully Windows gets an automatic day/night toggle eventually :)
  6. Jeremy P

    XF 2.3 "CommunityHive" causing problems with cronjobs.

    I wouldn't recommend this generally, but in a pinch: Enable debug mode Replace the src/XF.php file (and only that file) with the XF 2.2.14 version Uninstall the Community Hive add-on (ensuring its files are still in place first) Restore the src/XF.php file to the XF 2.2.16 Patch 2 version...
  7. Jeremy P

    XF 2.3 Set light variation as default for guests

    Not really, disposing of the system preference is kind of counter to the entire concept. Almost any app with a light or dark mode will work the same, across both desktop and mobile. It could potentially be accomplished via an add-on I suppose, but we're unlikely to implement something like that...
  8. Jeremy P

    XF 2.3 Group action events server error?

    The recent patch has surfaced an obscure bug in an add-on you are using: You should contact the add-on author for support.
  9. Jeremy P

    Modifying the color palette in 2.3

    That is valid in 2.3, and should work with both variations all the same. What do you want it to do differently?
  10. Jeremy P

    Modifying the color palette in 2.3

    I can’t reproduce that, the footer is whatever the chosen color is for me. The default footer isn’t a gradient either so probably down to a style customization.
  11. Jeremy P

    MariaDB failed to start after upgrading to php8.1.29

    PHP doesn't have any direct impact on the ability of the database server to start. Was MariaDB updated too? Something has happened after the last time MariaDB successfully started that has left it with an invalid configuration. You can try journalctl -xeu mariadb.service to see more...
  12. Jeremy P

    XF 2.3 Displaying buttons with only icons

    The former supplies the star as if it were the button text, the latter applies it as a proper icon but it looks odd because there isn't any accompanying text. You probably want: <xf:button href="" class="button--cta button--iconOnly" fa="fa-star" /> It's probably worth adding some hidden text...
  13. Jeremy P

    XF 2.2 Dropdown BB code button will not render some FA icons in editor.

    I don't think we expected a custom icon style (ie. regular/solid/light) to be set for dropdown icons, but it inadvertently means brand icons can't be used there. You can submit it as a bug.
  14. Jeremy P

    Modifying the color palette in 2.3

    It's not immediately obvious prior to 2.3 because we used RGB instead of HSL, but the primary color palette is intended to be roughly the same hue with different lightness (and saturation, for dark mode). I think in XF 1 there was even an automatic hue adjustment slider for the entire palette...
  15. Jeremy P

    Modifying the color palette in 2.3

    It's difficult to say definitively at this time, but changing the hues from blue to green really should be so simple that I wouldn't let it hold you back. The dark variation takes it from making roughly the same change to 5 style properties to making roughly the same change to 10 style...
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