Recent content by Brian Jones

  1. Brian Jones

    Journaling and User Blogs

    I use many (most) of @Bob addons. All of them are fantastic! Here is a link to my blog area:
  2. Brian Jones

    XF 2.3 I want to implement a affiliate links in my website.

    @Bob has Link Directory that would very well for something like this. Not free either. :)
  3. Brian Jones

    Why should I buy this?

    I went with Xenforo many years ago. Started with nukephp then moved into IPB but moved to xenforo after their release just because I liked the community and how helpful they were. I stayed because the forum is easy to use for the end users and the 3rd party devs tend to be VERY good.
  4. Brian Jones

    Forum combined with blog (editorial system)

    @Bob has the addons you are looking for! The blogs and article addons would suit your needs well. Might also like the review and showcase addons with what you are doing.
  5. Brian Jones

    Not a bug Having problem setting permissions.

    Thanks to a bunch of people here figured out what was going on. SOme server settings needed to be readjusted do to the # of permissions I can flag. So increasing the max_input_vars and post_max_size with in the server setting fixed the problem.
  6. Brian Jones

    Not a bug Having problem setting permissions.

    I get a message saying "Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console." when attempting to set group permissions. ~ I have disabled ModSecurity f12 info below. core-compiled.js?_v=a5c8dc1b:43 PHP: <!DOCTYPE html> <html id="XF"...
  7. Brian Jones

    Duplicate Articles | BLOG where are you

    Depends on what you want for your site. Probably I would say Articles as that is the most important public-facing resource for me, but personally, I like Blogs as I enjoy doing my own blog. As a whole, I have not had many takers doing their own blogs.
  8. Brian Jones

    Duplicate Articles | BLOG where are you

    Bob has the addons for you. XenAddons Article Management System XenAddons User Blogs System
  9. Brian Jones

    What do you regard as essential generic (non XF) add on's for a forum ?

    Xenaddons Article Management Xenaddons User Blog System Xenaddons Link Directory Addon Update Notifier s9e Media Sites
  10. Brian Jones

    XF 2.3 Featuring content

    The Carousel: Is this a tool that can only be placed under the header or could we slide it between the forum nodes a little lower?
  11. Brian Jones

    Anyone else getting tons of messages from their hosting provider always pressuring to upsell hosting plans…?

    I used to use bluehost, they were good years back, but have moved to HostArmada and am really loving it.
  12. Brian Jones

    XF 2.3 A first look at XenForo 2.3

    @Kier Thank you for the update!
  13. Brian Jones

    i bought xf lisence

    Yea just trying to figure out if they were talking about the install files or the addons
  14. Brian Jones

    i bought xf lisence

    What free resources are you talking about?
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