Recent content by Anthony O'keefe

  1. Anthony O'keefe

    XF 1.5 Like button missing for some members

    Further update: It was in the individual node permissions. I obviously have to eat my hat!
  2. Anthony O'keefe

    XF 1.5 Like button missing for some members

    I did that analysis on the four members and the answer was 'Yes' for all of them, but there are still posts that the like button is missing. Am I looking in the wrong direction?
  3. Anthony O'keefe

    XF 1.5 Like button missing for some members

    An update. I have been able to log into the forums as a couple of the members (they kindly gave me permission and passwords) The situation is this: four of the 350+ members see the like button on all posts posted more than three days ago, but if there is an OLD thread but with a new reply they...
  4. Anthony O'keefe

    XF 1.5 Like button missing for some members

    I have a strange issue where three of my members are unable to see the "like" button. I have talked them through the usual procedures (try another browser/clear cache/try another theme etc.) but they simply can't see them. I have checked their usergroups/permissions and all looks good. This has...
  5. Anthony O'keefe

    OVH Cloud VPS

    Been with them fro about four years now, I use their VPS Cloud 3. A lot of people moan about their support, but I have never had a problem, it may not be the fastest in the world, but it's more than adequate. Uptime, I went from last March to December with 100% uptime, then they had...
  6. Anthony O'keefe

    OVH Cloud VPS

    I'm a UK customer, OVH VPS Cloud and no, never seen the option to increase disk size. (I don't need it, it's just an observation)
  7. Anthony O'keefe

    I'm back!

    I'm back!
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