Using DigitalOcean Spaces or Amazon S3 for file storage in XF 2.1+

Using DigitalOcean Spaces or Amazon S3 for file storage in XF 2.1+

No permission to download
From a REST protocol perspective, head simply gets the meta data of an object (size, properties, etc).
Get returns the stuff from head plus the object itself.

How the addon actually uses it, i'd need to research, but it's likely that head requests are done in a rebuild data call, or some other lookup ABOUT the image, but not actually bringing the image back.

It's also possible that your bucket security needs to be looked at.
Thanks, that's insightful. I'm not actually pulling downloads which is why I was wondering where those calls are coming from. It could be permissions.

The bucket is a single bucket set to either private or public. This serves both /data & /internal_data Is there a way for me to use for two different buckets one for /data (public) and one for /internal_data (private) ?

Screenshot 2024-04-04 at 5.17.47 PM.webp

When I set the bucket to private, then I have issues with 'public-read' errors and nothing shows.
I use one bucket with subfolders

my private data isn't actually private. i don't really use attachments in the admin area and even if i did, someone would have to guess a filename. I left it open for caching/performance. I set up some headers with the addon and also some cloudflare rules and also run an image optimizer plugin (TH, now dead) I outlined this over here:

from an aws perspective, i don't know why you're seeing a lot of requests if you aren't serving images... could be lots of things.
there's not a lot of visibility into what hits your bucket.

you need to set the ACL and IAM properly. I struggled with this setup the first time around.

basic outline:

Create an IAM user
and create a permission policy for s3 access to attach to that user.

mine looks like this:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

attach that user to yourbucketname via the access keys (and that goes in the xf config file)

then set the bucket up like this:
for the bucket permissions

Hope this helps a little bit
from an aws perspective, i don't know why you're seeing a lot of requests if you aren't serving images... could be lots of things.
there's not a lot of visibility into what hits your bucket.
If images are served then these are requests right? I think the issue was I was requesting full size images. It seems to have slowed down now that I've switch layouts to use thumbnails.

The setup actually works... I'm just trying ot understand the number of calls i'm getting. I had some ~25k calls for about 1k users, which would make sense if that gets pulled with the full size image.

I'm just trying to get a better understanding of the add on. It works well but I do have that one problem with public/private calls.

Thanks for the information. It's very helpful to understand how others use it too.
I asked this in the module forum but perhaps I should ask in the customer support forum since this is a xenforo addon.

Questions related to the resource should be posted in the associated thread, regardless who created the resource.

I have merged the threads.
Questions related to the resource should be posted in the associated thread, regardless who created the resource.

I have merged the threads.
With all due respect. I posted a few days ago here without hearing anything. So I asked in the customer forum
I do the config in S3 and IAM and get the key under users and Xenforo gives me the error.

Basically something lile this :

400 issue is your permissions, so you should reset and start that over.

If you want to go on an easier path with permissions to test it out use Their buckets have limited capabilities, plus you can integrate with Cloudflare for free. I'm running this setup with really good results.

Set the api and api key, setup DNS and the paths.. You don't need to setup Cloudflare either. You can just do backblaze and it'll be good.
I like to use Amazon s3, but for some reason when I follow the guide I get error 400 which has been the permissions even though I create a bucket, add user, add permissions via JSON. Link the user to the bucket create the keys. make the config.php edits.
Got everything set and running now, Extremely happy about stuff. Just one small Issue, Avatars are not all showing up on the pages even though when you go to the persons profile(still not showing) but when you click on it it opens.
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