Send an alert and/or email on a member's birthday

Paul B

XenForo moderator
Staff member
OK, this is a totally pointless "feature" I agree, but it might just add a little personal touch if a member receives a "Happy Birthday" alert on their birthday :mad:

And/or an email.

A lot of forums list members' birthdays at the bottom of forum home but as we all know, XenForo is all about less is more, so this would just be a way of acknowledging those members who have gone to the effort of entering their full birth date in their profile, without bloating the forum home page.

Besides, everyone likes being wished "Happy Birthday", even if it is via an automated script :rolleyes:

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I have been using an add-on for this for years. I have it limited to only the past 10 years, but is nice because it identifies emails/accounts that are no longer valid. (if the email bounces, it is automatically adjusted) I also have it set to only send them to folks who have had at least 3 posts in the past.

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