Pokémon Sprites

Unmaintained Pokémon Sprites 1.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.5
For fans of Pokémon ..
If you want to have the Sprite Pokémon in your forum, you can easily play with this BBCode ..

Install Instructions:

1. Upload the contents of the folder "styles" to "styles" folder on your server where XenForo is installed.
2. Go to ACP > Custom BB Codes > Import Custom BB Code > Upload "pokemon_bbcode.xml"

How to use it:

Each Pokémon has a number. For example:
Bulbasaur is 001.
Charmander is 004.
Squirtle is 007.

To insert each Pokémon have to add:

There are some extra options like "Mega-evolution" or "special forms".
You can check it on the images download.

Enjoy this addon, Pokémon fans!
  • PokemonSprite.webp
    24.4 KB · Views: 654

Latest reviews

This is a nifty little addon that certain communities would definitely enjoy having. Perfect timing too with all the Pokemon hype going around :) - Each pokemon matches the pokedex number so this is good!
Now I can see the cuteness of a Togepi or the magnificiency of a Lugia in a post, or mock someone's else post with a random Garbodor or Bibarel.
Very simple and functional.
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