BB code [1.x]

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take the sound from youtube and play it in your post
URL Tag with Title field (OUTDATED) cclaerhout
This addon will extend the default XenForo url Bb Code with a title field
A robust and powerful system to provide custom bb-codes for your forums.
[RT] Spoiler Daniel 'RTRD'
Hide spoilers with spoilers!
Stop AutoLinking Patch (NO MORE SUPPORTED) cclaerhout
This addon will avoid the bbcodes url auto-linking (content&options) inside forums and conversations
MP3 BBcode JacquiiDesigns
Insert an .mp3 file into your post.
Have movie information on your site
Automatically converts Instagram URLs into a thumbnail with a URL to full Instagram page
Allows embedding of Google Spreadsheets by adding support under XenForo's BB Code Media Site Manager
Allows embedding of Google Documents by adding support under XenForo's BB Code Media Site Manager
Allows embedding of Scribd Media by adding support under XenForo's BB Code Media Site Manager
inserts the viewers information into the post
converts the posted links to the page title
Excel template that creates BBcode to insert google API tables in your forum
adds 10 xxx tube sites to Media Sites BBCode
This widget embeds twitter search results in your forums.
Custom BB Codes Paul B
A selection of custom BB Codes for use with the BB Code Manager.
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