Recent content by ust

  1. U

    Fixed Import exported style archive overwriting existing style leaves Message user info elements in undefined state

    Affected: 2.3 Beta 6 (Beta 5 was OK). Looking into the style properties, you find under Messages->User->Message user info elements: Template style_property_template_messageUserElements not found. One has to revert the setting and checking on the desired elements again. Importing the style...
  2. U

    PWA has no "back" button

    In 2.2.x it is there. Anyway: swiping right (with thumb or two fingers) is a feasible solution - you only have to know about it. (At least on iOS 17.x)
  3. U

    PWA has no "back" button

    All 2.3-Betas up to 6 have no "Back" button in the Progressive Web Application. The "Up" button is visible and usable, the "Back" button not.
  4. U

    Quick search [Paid]

    v5.1 only works on XF 2.3 here. I also needed to go back to v5.0 for my production server on XF2.2.
  5. U

    Amazon parser all [Paid]

    The 4.0 update runs here into an error: After changing $entity->fastUpdate($data); to $result->fastUpdate($data);fixed it for me.
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