Recent content by TnT

  1. TnT

    Fixed Login via Passkey in Admin does not work

    Forgotten to enable https on my local dev environment. Works for me now. Perhaps you can hide the passkey buttons when no https enabled. It would probably save a help request or two.
  2. TnT

    Fixed Login via Passkey in Admin does not work

    After I click on the passkey button, nothing happens. In the developer console i see the following error: 13:52:36.033 webauthn.js?_v=fecc8197:301 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'get') at Object.get (webauthn.js?_v=fecc8197:301:26) at fn.typeGet...
  3. TnT

    Fixed JS: Can't prevent form from being submitted

    Tried it and didn't worked for me. For my usecase this works: XF.on(document, 'submit ajax-submit:before', (e) => { e.preventDefault() e.preventSubmit = true }
  4. TnT

    Fixed JS: Can't prevent form from being submitted

    I have now managed it by listening to the two events "submit ajax-submit:before" at the same time. However, I don't find this very exciting.
  5. TnT

    Fixed JS: Can't prevent form from being submitted

    I am in the process of rewriting one of my addons, as jquery is no longer used. A modal should be displayed as soon as attachments are uploaded to a post. Sending the form with the message should be prevented until the modal dialog is confirmed with "ok". And this is exactly where my problem...
  6. TnT

    Fixed Cache without lifetime not working

    While testing 2.3.0 Beta 1 i figured out, caching without liefetime like this: \XF::app()->cache()->save('test', 'works'); returns true, but \XF::app()->cache()->fetch('test'); returns false. Setting lifetime explicit to 0 also returns false. Only Providing a livetime returns the expected...
  7. TnT

    Fixed Similar thread cache rebuild failure: [E_DEPRECATED] preg_split(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($subject) of type string is deprecated

    ErrorException: Similar thread cache rebuild failure: [E_DEPRECATED] preg_split(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($subject) of type string is deprecated src/XF/Str/Formatter.php:808 Stacktrace #0 [internal function]: XF::handlePhpError(8192, '[E_DEPRECATED] ...', '/var/www/xf/p...', 808) #1...
  8. TnT

    Duplicate Field "mainEntity.suggestedAnswer.text" missing

    When post has only attachment, the ld+json field "text" for "@type": "QAPage" is empty, which google complains about.
  9. TnT

    Fixed Upgrade Facebook Api

    As Facebook is shutting off its Graph API v3.3 on 03 August, 2021, please upgrade to at least Graph API v4.0 (v11.0 is actual). Seems to be used here: XF\ConnectedAccount\ProviderData\Facebook
  10. TnT

    Fixed Function openssl_pkey_free() is deprecated

    Hi Chris, thank you for your explanations. I had indeed enabled debug mode, but only for cli. Since I myself do not know exactly why, I have deactivated it for now.
  11. TnT

    Fixed Function openssl_pkey_free() is deprecated

    ErrorException: [E_DEPRECATED] Function openssl_pkey_free() is deprecated src/vendor/minishlink/web-push/src/Encryption.php:281 Stack trace: #0 src/vendor/minishlink/web-push/src/Encryption.php(281): XF::handlePhpError(8192, '[E_DEPRECATED] ...', '/var/www/tfx2/p...', 281) #1...
  12. TnT

    XF 2.2 Store attachemnts on another server

    You could use MINIO Server to build your own s3 storage on your servers. Or search for another (cheaper) s3 compatible provider such as digital ocean.
  13. TnT

    Not a bug Upload file size limited by uploadMaxFilesize not by xfrmResourceMaxFileSize

    False alarm: the error message was caused by limitations of the server. After adjusting them I was able to upload larger files. Sorry for the circumstances.
  14. TnT

    Not a bug Upload file size limited by uploadMaxFilesize not by xfrmResourceMaxFileSize

    Upload file size seems to be limited by uploadMaxFilesize from Settings/Attachments and not by xfrmResourceMaxFileSize. Would like to allow more upload file size for resources but not for attachments in forums. Files with 100MB or more are okay in RM but not as attachments in forums to prevent...
  15. TnT

    Duplicate Add-on commands does not work anymore in XF2.2

    Ah ok, my mistake. I did not find this thread.
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