Recent content by Simon2

  1. S

    Fixed Passkey icon is SVG instead of FA

    Fantastic solution!
  2. S

    Fixed Passkey icon is SVG instead of FA

    I see. Thanks for linking to that post.
  3. S

    Fixed Passkey icon is SVG instead of FA

    It's on the login page (as well as the on the admin page). It makes styling more difficult.
  4. S

    XF 2.3 Routes Filters for 2.3

    Hi I am looking for a full routes filter list for XenForo (including Media Gallery, Advanced Search and Resources). I found this but I couldn’t clearly make sense of the referred database table. I am especially eager since...
  5. S

    Fixed Missing phrase for Passkey login on admin page

    Navigating to /admin.php it says "Passkey login". I am unable to find it. Am I blind or is it missing?
  6. S

    Confirmed Error while attempting to enable push notifications

    It is running on Windows and OpenSSL is not installed. Correct.
  7. S

    Confirmed Error while attempting to enable push notifications

    In Setup > Options > User alerts and notifications enabling push notifications throw the following error: RuntimeException: Unable to create the key in src\vendor\web-token\jwt-core\Util\ECKey.php at line 160 Jose\Component\Core\Util\ECKey::createECKeyUsingOpenSSL() in...
  8. S

    Duplicate XF\Db\InvalidQueryException: MySQL statement prepare error [1064]

    Thanks for pointing this out (worked for me). I saw another thread where @Chris D recommended this for Beta 4.
  9. S

    Fixed 2.3.0 Beta 5 Install Bug

    The issue is still present in Beta 5. Removing the comma at the end resolved the issue for me. I am using Laragon along with PHP 8.3.6 and HeidiSQL Portable (MySQL 8.0.30).
  10. S

    Implemented Apple Sign In

    99/year. It is possible to cancel your subscription.
  11. S

    Implemented Apple Sign In

    Exactly. Or if you're serious about your website 99 ain't that bad. Walkthrough: Face ID Unique addresses for multiple services to avoid spam once you want to stop Brand associated with privacy Create a poll and ask if you´re unsure but I think this is worth it. Thanks for listening @Chris D
  12. S

    Implemented Apple Sign In

    Fixed. Thanks.
  13. S

    Implemented Apple Sign In

    More info here: and here: Attract more users by allowing Sign In via Apple ID.
  14. S

    Duplicate Manually approve Avatars (like posts)

    I would like to see a function similar to manually approving posts. In permissions: "Submit content without approval" > "Submit avatar without approval". Why? It is impossible to block/hinder copyrighted avatars.
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