Recent content by Silvan

  1. Silvan

    Spam and registrations

    right, the problem seems to have resolved itself; my test user is now able to post without moderation (something to do with a cron job?) However, within that brief period in between, I managed to create a thread that's invisible to everyone, except for my test user. It's flagged as waiting for...
  2. Silvan

    Spam and registrations

    I've managed to set up a promotion rule, and in the admin panel my test user has been upgraded to the 'verified user' group (secondary - primary is still set to unapproved user), but all posts are were still being moderated and the title underneath the name still says 'unapproved'. When I...
  3. Silvan

    Spam and registrations

    Thanks for all that info. I'm nearly there. Except for step 3. How do I mass update all my users to the Validated Users group (and does it have to be as 'secondary group', or can it be the main group?) - do I need a new add-on for that?
  4. Silvan

    Spam and registrations

    I've been getting a few spam registrations that seem to bypass my sonnb's spam filter and a captcha. I presume they might actually be human spammers. I've enabled 'approvals by moderator' but it stops people from immediately posting. I was wondering, is there a way for new members to start...
  5. Silvan

    BBcode MediaSites Package [Deleted]

    is it just a server error, or does it bring up error to the user as well?
  6. Silvan

    BBcode MediaSites Package [Deleted]

    does this add on work with 1.2?
  7. Silvan

    SoundCloud BBcode Media Site [Deleted]

    I keep getting server errors as well. Not sure if the error below causes an error to the user as well. Any idea what the below means? Error Info ErrorException: simplexml_load_string() [<a href='function.simplexml-load-string'>function.simplexml-load-string</a>]: Entity: line 1: parser error...
  8. Silvan

    XF 1.1 Spam filter

    Nope, I am using a CDN - but i think that only works on the Wordpress side of the site. I think my hosting provider might be using something like Varnish (some server side caching); could that explain it?
  9. Silvan

    XF 1.1 Spam filter

    I'm a bit confused about the Spam filter. I've had a few spam user register to my site, who post spammy posts. When I use the Spam Cleaner on them, it removes them, but also flags up other users from that same IP address. But for some reason I appear in that list as well. First I thought maybe...
  10. Silvan

    KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA

    Has anyone been able to add the KeyCaptcha on a responsive theme? The smallest version of the captcha image is 360px wide, which is too big for iPhone, causing it to break out. I was wondering if there's a way around this, as KeyCaptcha is a great way to keep spammers out.
  11. Silvan

    sonnb - Stop Spam Here [Deleted]

    Yep, I have both of them up and running. Had a look at the log and they are stopping a lot of spammers. Guess the 60 registrations that slipped through in the 24 hour window weren't known spammers / managed to get around it.
  12. Silvan

    Responsive Design for XenForo 1.1 [Paid] [Deleted]

    Hi Arty - i've tried your update, but the user profile still seems to be broken. See screen grab and image below: Am I looking at some cached version by any chance?
  13. Silvan

    SoundCloud Embed

    if you want to embed a song in your forum, i.e. if you have a forum that's about music, you might want to embed the song in the post, rather than people having to download the MP3.
  14. Silvan

    SoundCloud Embed

    Best way is to download the add-on for SoundCloud support, or get the Media Pack addition. Works really well.
  15. Silvan

    sonnb - Stop Spam Here [Deleted]

    sorry, i realised the upgrade has thrown out my KeyCaptcha, which blocked a lot of spammers. So no problem with Stop Spam Here. Although, shouldn't it stop spammers anyway if a Captcha is not in place?
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