Recent content by RobParker

  1. R

    XF 2.2 Discouraged?

    This is maybe a weird one. I have a few users who are complaining that the page fails to load 2 out of 3 timesm they get various errors, etc. Nothing is showing up in ACP. It really sounds like they've been set as "discouraged" but they haven't been and this includes one of our admins...
  2. R

    XF 2.2 Error when changing Board URL

    It seemed to work though (the board URL was successfully changed), any ideas from that warning what the effect of the error might be?
  3. R

    Enable Adsense CMP?

    Thanks! I searched and nothing came back but I see my error was save4 not save1.
  4. R

    XF 2.2 Error when changing Board URL

    Anyone any thoughts on this error when trying to change Board URL (to remove www.) in ACP? We're running a slightly older version of XF so I'm wondering if it's a PHP issue? It did seem to change the board URL but is it safe to ignore the error?
  5. R

    Enable Adsense CMP?

    I tried switching the board URL and I get this error mesage in ACP.
  6. R

    Enable Adsense CMP?

    Does anyone have any issues with Google's CMP message showing on mobile? It doesn't seem to work for me and it'll killed any ad revenue.
  7. R

    Enable Adsense CMP?

    It's Any advice much appreciated. My understanding is that Adsense will force the message anyway if I've not explictly created one by 16th January but I'd like to create it manually and check it works.
  8. R

    Enable Adsense CMP?

    Only use Adsense and the consent message is popping up on but not on My ad serving at risk is currently 80%, not sure if that's what you were asking.
  9. R

    Enable Adsense CMP?

    It's frustrating not being able to talk to anyone at Adsense and I'm not sure I see a solution to this. My "site" with Adsense is Most of the traffic comes to and that's where most of the ad revenue is When I add a CMP, the only option is to add it to This...
  10. R

    Enable Adsense CMP?

    I've done this for my site but it's only working on the version. I still get a policy warning on the domain but I don't see any way to select the www. domain separately. Does anyone have any ideas? Is there a way to contact someone at Adsense? I remember...
  11. R

    Enable Adsense CMP?

  12. R

    Enable Adsense CMP?

    I'm struggling to find information on how to enable Adense's built-in consent management. I'm fine with using Google's own but how do I enable or configure it?
  13. R

    XenForo One Year Extension Sale Price!

    Can someone please remind me, can we stack renewals? I assume the "tweaks" mentioned will be an increase so I'm planning to buy a couple of years of extensions in the sale. Will that work?
  14. R

    XF 2.3 Boosting performance in XenForo 2.3

    I think my point is that XF scores in the 80s, you put in a ton of effort to get it to 99, then in the real world does Adsense drop it back down to 80 anyway?
  15. R

    XF 2.3 Boosting performance in XenForo 2.3

    That's awesome! Please don't take this the wrong way but what happens to your score when you add in some adsense code? It always seems it's the external libraries that kill our score.
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