Recent content by Pulec

  1. Pulec

    .htaccess problem, bad url after hosting change

    Thank you, but this options does not seem to have any effect. I can specify any path and it still does the same. But When I turn off Full Friendly URLs, forum from links to every threads in But link to threads such as...
  2. Pulec

    .htaccess problem, bad url after hosting change

    We have moved from old webhosting because they did not allow database larger than 250MB and it was pricey. This webhosting had all subdomains in the root with www folder. New webhosting hass all subdomains in /www/subdom/ folder. So our Wordpress sites works fine but Xenforo has troubles. The...
  3. Pulec

    XFS Mobile [Deleted]

    Hi, this is great style, every mobile user at my forum is loving it. But I am using Nodes As Tabs plugin - and the mobile theme showes no tabs. It shows members, search, log out and etc in left top icon. And it shows something like custom...
  4. Pulec


    To fix node icons, just copy files from root of default skin to root of XenPowa skin, mainly node-sprite.png and xenforo-ui-sprite.png. You can also fix that by linking to each icon in widgets/forum-read.png and etc and setting movement to 0 0. Xenforo says that footer is outdated, otherwise it...
  5. Pulec


    It does, notices works, but nodes icons don't. Looks like this
  6. Pulec

    Minecraft Style will finally have their buckets, thank you. :) We will donate something. edit: oh now I see that I can only donate 20$ that is quite much and I certainly don't need to remove the text Minecraft theme by Erik Swan. I am perfectly ok with it. Any option to support you with smaller...
  7. Pulec

    Czech language Pack

    We would like to make czech language pack. Our work just started, there is still lot to translate and test out. If you woud like to help, pm me or write here please. --- Rádi by jsme udělali český překlad XenFóra, na našem fóru, zatím asi většina uživatelů s...
  8. Pulec

    Multiple "roots"

    I was afraid of that I guess I missed the text: ...and there is no attempt to make them appear as separate installations. So could I just make forums divided by categories in forums like on root page? For example the quickly made copy of current setting looks like this...
  9. Pulec

    Multiple "roots"

    We recently moved from phpbb and everything is working well. One of the reasons we wanted upgrade to xenForo is, that we wanted create forums for other games. At the moment the forum is only about Minecraft and its server. Link : Fan pages are about...
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