Recent content by Myke623

  1. Myke623

    XF 1.5 Is xenForo 1.5 compatible with MySQL 8?

    Thanks for the confirm, fellas, much appreciated! (y)
  2. Myke623

    XF 1.5 Is xenForo 1.5 compatible with MySQL 8?

    Bit of a strange request, I know, but I'm preparing to migrate some old addons and was wondering if xenForo 1.5.x is compatible with MySQL 8.0?
  3. Myke623

    Other Maintaining Resources

    Thanks for that. In the thread you linked: Is this the criteria for unmaintained resources? If so, for my particular case, I guess it was based on not having visited for a period of time.
  4. Myke623

    Other Maintaining Resources

    What, or where, is the criteria for Resources to be prefixed as "Unmaintained"? I've tried looking in the Developer Docs, the Resource Guidelines under the Help section, as well as the sticky threads in this forum but couldn't find a clear answer. A resource I created (Visual Code Snippets) is...
  5. Myke623

    XF2 [8WR] XenTorneo 2 (Rankings) PRO [Paid]

    With rebranding to, will there be an update to support this change?
  6. Myke623

    New video series: Building with XenForo 2
  7. Myke623

    XF2 [8WR] XenMedio 2 (Media) PRO [Paid]

    That's a fairly ambiguous question from Google in that case, because it just refers to "public data" but you suggest they mean metadata. What's an example of this metadata?
  8. Myke623

    XF2 [8WR] XenMedio 2 (Media) PRO [Paid]

    Doesn't Medio store YouTube titles, URLs, descriptions and thumbnails? Isn't all of this considered public data?
  9. Myke623

    XF2 [8WR] XenMedio 2 (Media) PRO [Paid]

    I've been subject to an audit on the usage of the YouTube API, and have been asked the specific question of: Kindly confirm whether you are storing YouTube data for more than 30 days. Regarding data storage, we only allow the API Clients to store the public data temporarily, but not more than...
  10. Myke623

    Unmaintained Visual Studio Code Snippets for XenForo 2 - JavaScript Snippet Improvements

    The VS Code Snippets for JavaScript now convert the CamelCase Element/Event Name to lowercase-and-dash for the HTML identifier (data-xf-init).
  11. Myke623

    Visual Studio Code Snippets for XenForo 2

    Myke623 updated Visual Studio Code Snippets for XenForo 2 with a new update entry: JavaScript Snippet Improvements Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. Myke623

    Unmaintained Visual Studio Code Snippets for XenForo 2 20211012

    Visual Studio Code snippets for XenForo 2 development, based on @Kier's PhpStorm Live Templates ver 20210519. The following (language).json snippets are included: css html javascript php To install: Extract the zip file to your local computer containing the above (language).json files. In...
  13. Myke623

    Visual Studio Code Snippets for XenForo 2

    Myke623 submitted a new resource: Visual Studio Code Snippets for XenForo 2 - Shortcuts and macros for various commonly-used development text snippets Read more about this resource...
  14. Myke623

    New video series: Building with XenForo 2

    Thank you so much for this, and while I have yet to watch the entire series, I would like to go on record, FWIW, as to saying that I both love and hate video tutorials. Love them because of the self-guided pace and intimacy it provides in being to look at how someone else works; but hate them...
  15. Myke623

    Top Article in Preview Display mode

    Beyond the first page, the top article continues to occupy the full width and appears a little jarring (to me) to have an "old" article randomly emphasised this way. Would you consider changing it so that only the first article on the first page occupies full width? My suggestion would be from...
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