Recent content by klyde

  1. klyde

    [TH] Upload a File Field for Custom Fields (Custom Field XML) [Deleted]

    Can anyone help me with this when i try to import the new field? Server Error Invalid argument supplied for foreach() XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in Waindigo/InstallUpgrade/Extend/XenForo/ControllerAdmin/UserField.php at line 54...
  2. klyde

    [TH] Upload a File Field for Custom Fields (Custom Field XML) [Deleted]

    When i try to import the new field: Server Error Invalid argument supplied for foreach() XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in Waindigo/InstallUpgrade/Extend/Waindigo/CustomFields/ControllerAdmin/ThreadField.php at line 54...
  3. klyde

    Showcase (Reviews, Guides, Garage, Directory etc) [Paid]

    Another issue (sorry for my insistence) If you click RATE & REVIEW link in a item, you will be prompted to fill a popup box with PROS AND CONS. If you write a LOOOOOOOOOONG PRO, CON or SUMMARY the submit button will disappear and cannot submit it. Also, you cannot move that box for showing the...
  4. klyde

    Showcase (Reviews, Guides, Garage, Directory etc) [Paid]

    One question and one suggestion If there is an alert about a new item in the showcase, is there any way to access directly to the "New Items" tab when clicking in the navbar link instead going to the showcase home page? If I create some custom fields for an item and the users don't fill it...
  5. klyde

    Showcase (Reviews, Guides, Garage, Directory etc) [Paid]

    you have to edit this template: nflj_showcase_review
  6. klyde

    Showcase (Reviews, Guides, Garage, Directory etc) [Paid]

    Hi! Amazing addon!! I have installed it for testing with some users at my board and it is impressive. Only i have found one thing to improve for future versions (if you can): Could you include these words in phrases and not hard-coded in templates?
  7. klyde

    [bd] Widget Framework

    Hi @xfrocks ! Is there any way to show a widget only in certain nodes? For example widget a in nodes 1,2,3 and widget b in nodes 4,5,6. Thanks!
  8. klyde

    Competitions for XenForo [Deleted]

    When do u expect to release the new update?
  9. klyde

    Impressive performance! (thanks Slavik) ->...

    Impressive performance! (thanks Slavik) ->
  10. klyde

    [TH] Custom Fields [Deleted]

    Perfect!! :) Thanks!
  11. klyde

    [TH] Custom Fields [Deleted]

    Yes, Chris' one. The error is at the end of the installation. I check the "ALTER" query and when it finish i get the message at xenforo. No server errors.
  12. klyde

    [TH] Custom Fields [Deleted]

    Hi @Waindigo ! I am trying to install this add-on but i get this error after installing: Error The existing data required by the data writer could not be found. I have tried to uninstall it but it doesn't appear as "Installed Add-on". Could you help me?
  13. klyde

    MicroClassifieds [Paid] [Deleted]

    Has anyone setup this add-on in a visible url to take a look?
  14. klyde

    MicroClassifieds [Paid] [Deleted]

    Hi @Micheal finally, are you planning to allow to import xentrade/itrade points into MicroClassifieds?
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