Recent content by KC Riley

  1. K

    XF 2.0 SESTA-FOSTA & Xenforo

    Are the new laws passed in the US under SESTA-FOSTA going to impact the use of Xenforo licenses on Adult sites built on the. Xenforo platform outside the US? CDA 230 was revoked. I’m not sure how that would impact Xenforo.
  2. K

    Add-on Monitor Private Conversations...

    You have to be careful about installing PM readers. Some countries have strtict privacy laws. You’re also leaving a potential back door for a hacker to compromise your PM system.
  3. K

    Home Page Builder for Xenforo

    Hopefully a page builder will be in the works for Xenforo 2.1. It’s long overdue.
  4. K

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    Live threads, live updates require a ton of servering power. Most Xenforo website owners are not likely to have the budget to run a large group servers powerful enough to support live updates like Twitter.
  5. K

    Size of SQL Database and Cyber Security

    It seems very bizarre to me too. I would only think a larger database would require more maintenance to keep it optimized. I can't see anyway the size of the database would impact security of the site. I can't see a reason why you would need to prune a database. You only end-up offending...
  6. K

    Size of SQL Database and Cyber Security

    I had a recent conversation with a web developer in the US. He made a claim that it's not safe for a forum to maintain too large an SQL database. They have encouraged several forum owners to reduce their post counts to keep the database under 5 GB. I've worked on massive forums with 100...
  7. K

    Does Xenforo automatically remove GEO tags from images?

    Thanks guys. The internet is a scary place. People often forget how dangerous Geo Tags can be, especially on forums where minors are participating.
  8. K

    Does Xenforo automatically remove GEO tags from images?

    Some forums require extra precautions be taken when protecting the privacy of their members. EXIF data with Geo tags can give away someone's home address in the image metadata. Does Xenforo automatically remove any EXIF geo tags for uploaded images in the gallery and forum app; do you need...
  9. K

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    The computers, mobile devices and servers we use today are plenty fast. Greedy ISP's overcharging for bandwidth and limits on mobile devices are causing a lot of the issues we have with pageload times today.
  10. K

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    At some point won't there be a need to find an alternative to JavaScript? Excessive JavaScript commands can greatly impact pageload times for a sites. Ergo it impact the number of add-on's you can install.
  11. K

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    Most of us admins/website owners don't really truly understand development processes. Most of us have expectations that sit outside what's realistically possible. You have people hammering on XF's door asking, "where's XF2?" Realistically 2-3 years is reasonable time period to create a...
  12. K

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    I heard some some of the folks on the Admin Zone that XF2 was going to make more use it HTML 5 to reduce the use of AJAX and JQuery. It's sound like I've misunderstood what they were talking about.
  13. K

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    No. People forget the testing, validation and quality assurance processes involved in development. Xenforo is a pretty substantial web application. From previous posts, they are looking to reduce XF's use of JavaScript/AJAX, JQuery. That's a tall order. I'm glad XF is taking leadership...
  14. K

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    It's always a case of damned if you do; damned if you don't. It's only been 2 years since XF2 was announced. XF is on track for major release. I'm puzzled by the grumblings.
  15. K

    [Nobita] Messenger (Realtime Chatting) [Paid] [Deleted]

    Hi Nobita, Does the new interface in 2.x support mobile browsers?
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