Recent content by JustinHawk

  1. JustinHawk

    XF 2.2 Email styling?

    Go to style properties > Emails From there you can change the header text color and also try sending a test mail to yourself. This way you can make sure the colors are appropriate.
  2. JustinHawk

    XF 2.2 Error: Accessed unknown getter 'style_variation'

    Please disable s9media bbcode addon for some time or wait for an update from the developer. The error is generated by that addon.
  3. JustinHawk

    s9e Media Sites

    happening with me as well! Can you please check if the version uploaded is the correct one. when i click on download its downloading version 2.15.4
  4. JustinHawk

    XF 2.2 googe claims ads.txt missing on Xenforo Cloud forum

    If you have any firewall or you are using cloudflare, add a firewall rules to bypass the security for ads.txt file. It will get resolved
  5. JustinHawk

    [XenCustomize] Events Manager [Paid]

    @Veer please fix these issue in this addon In Event entity title you are not limiting the title to any number of characters, Which led to many titles to be larger and sometimes it throws error In category Entity you are limiting it to 100 chars Now I have many events having title...
  6. JustinHawk

    XF 2.2 Delete all spam

    You should consider using this addon to prevent spam users from registration : Other than that if you need something with automation to automatically soft delete content matching a certain criteria dm...
  7. JustinHawk

    Joinable Usergroup
  8. JustinHawk

    XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration [Paid]

    @kolakube Please fix this part of your code. This will fix the login related issue Problem is this is breaking the structure of login URL because of which login is not working!
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