Recent content by Jeremy P

  1. Jeremy P

    Duplicate Connected accounts: XenForo - bug

  2. Jeremy P

    Update from beta 5 to beta 6 does not enable forum [update: Filecache changed directory]

    I believe this may be due to the cache not being pruned/updated properly since the cache layer is now disabled when installing/upgrading.
  3. Jeremy P

    Duplicate New direct message - pasting username does show drop down

    I believe this is going to be the same bug as this:
  4. Jeremy P

    XF 2.3 Extend lazy loaded javascript

    You would need to require both of them in <xf:js> tags, in which case they should be loaded in order: <xf:js src="xf/form.js" min="1" /> <xf:js addon="My/AddOn" src="my/addon/my-js-file.js" min="1" />
  5. Jeremy P

    XF 2.2 Help me to find a delete action

    <?php namespace XF\Admin\Controller; class UserField extends AbstractField { // ... } \XF\Admin\Controller\AbstractField::actionDelete
  6. Jeremy P

    XF 2.2 android firefox/mobile browser push notifications point to about:blank

    It's likely just going to be a browser issue/bug then.
  7. Jeremy P

    XF 2.2 RSS Feed For New Threads (Not The Updated Ones)?

    You can do this in the core by appending ?order=post_date, no add-on necessary.
  8. Jeremy P

    XF 2.2 Creating own HTML tag in the templater

    We very strongly recommend against this. I'd recommend creating a new template function or filter instead, depending on what you hope to accomplish.
  9. Jeremy P

    XF 2.2 Additional files not being deployed on add-on installation

    I believe we already show errors and warnings before installation if hashes.json is missing or if the files don't match up, but in development mode you can choose to force the installation anyway. In production, blocking the add-on from being installed is deliberate. In development mode, you...
  10. Jeremy P

    XF 2.2 Additional files not being deployed on add-on installation

    You shouldn't need to do manual file or directory removal in your uninstall routines unless the add-on creates files at runtime (user uploads, etc.). XF presents the option to remove all files from hashes.json automatically after uninstallation. I think it will leave any directories even if they...
  11. Jeremy P

    XF 2.2 android firefox/mobile browser push notifications point to about:blank

    Does the same site work properly on a different browser? Does a different XF site (like this one) work properly with the same browser?
  12. Jeremy P

    Fixed Passkey icon is SVG instead of FA

    We can at least remove the explicit fill colors so they get inherited here.
  13. Jeremy P

    XF 2.2 Additional files not being deployed on add-on installation

    Hundreds if not thousands of add-ons have been packaged and released this way, and I don't remember any similar issues coming up so I'm really not sure what the issue could be. Have you tried installing the add-on on a different XF installation to see if it's an issue with that particular XF...
  14. Jeremy P

    Not a bug Outdated Trending Content

    I'm not overly concerned with it personally. We can reassess in a week, after which point the score should be derived from views of logged in members only.
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