Recent content by interforo

  1. interforo

    [OzzModz] Badges

    Since the last update all my stacked badges are not displayed to my users any longer
  2. interforo

    XF 2.2 Page_container recover template

    I don’t have those
  3. interforo

    XF 2.2 Page_container recover template

    I reverted it so I don't think it's accessible any more In the db backup where would I find the page_container template?
  4. interforo

    XF 2.2 Page_container recover template

    How do I recover the page_container template? I need version from yesterday without restoring the whole db
  5. interforo

    Speed and performance issues

    Hello I ran this report and noticed lower performance scores. Can you help me identify the cause? I've also seen a decrease in traffic.
  6. interforo

    XF 2.2 PHP 8.2 should I upgrade?

    Currently on xv v2.2.15 with 7.4.33 Should I upgrade to PHP 8.2?
  7. interforo

    XF 2.2 Traffic decreased, lots of errors detected by Google Search

    Hi, over the last 2 months, I have experienced a significant traffic decreased. I checked my Google Search and there are a lot of errors reported.
  8. interforo

    XF 2.2 manual registration approval

    right now also my moderators can and I want to avoid it
  9. interforo

    XF 2.2 manual registration approval

    how do I set that only admins can manually approve the new registration?
  10. interforo

    XF 2.2 Accounts hacked?

    i had 3 user accounts (no new members) posting the same spamming message on my forum Very strange as they were old members Have they accounts being hacked?
  11. interforo

    XF 2.2 How can Hide a forum from google

    How can I prevent a single node or forum from being indexed and visible on Google?
  12. interforo

    XF 2.2 quickly remove a url from posts

    Hi I just need the query to run into phpMyAdmin to delete post containing url ‘xxxx’ in all my posts
  13. interforo

    XF 2.2 quickly remove a url from posts

    Hi, I'm looking for a quick way to remove a URL that has been repeatedly posted in multiple posts (around 100) on my forum. Can you help me out?
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