Recent content by HowIChrgeLazer

  1. HowIChrgeLazer

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Hey guys, Just as a heads up, I can't maintain my fork on GitHub, so if anybody wants to patch it you are welcome to fork it and create a new resource on here.
  2. HowIChrgeLazer

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Your host is preventing the code to use set_time_limit() which is causing it to error out. Shared hosts do this to prevent people from running long processes that could potentially impact performance.
  3. HowIChrgeLazer

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    It's open source, so anybody is welcome to continue it at any time, I can even make contributions down the road if I'm able. I know 2.0 changed a lot of how addons are designed, so it may end up being a separate project as is. That I do apologize for, I thought I would have the time, but...
  4. HowIChrgeLazer

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Hey guys, Just an update. Had a major career and life change and I have not been able to develop the addon to XenForo 2.0 as of yet. I know this is not the response anyone wants to see with the announcement of 2.0 release. Sorry to keep you all in the dark, it's been a hectic last few months...
  5. HowIChrgeLazer

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Okay I'm back in action for a little bit and since the XF2 beta just came out, it's time to get things into gear. I'll try setting this up on my test box again to see what happens. Hmmmm... That's interesting. Might have to debug that a bit further.
  6. HowIChrgeLazer

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Which version of XenForo and Steam Auth are you using? When you say the other external auths are not active.... Are the buttons disappearing from the template when Steam Auth is enabled, or do the social buttons exist, but they don't function correctly? What happens when you try to use one?
  7. HowIChrgeLazer

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    They should work. I've tested Google while having Steam Auth active. Are you experiencing any errors?
  8. HowIChrgeLazer

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Thank you for the bug report, I'll look into this. Are you getting any errors at all as well? It'll be a little harder for me to track down as I don't have as large of data set to work with, but I can start poking around. If I can't start on it this weekend, then I can start on it sometime at...
  9. HowIChrgeLazer

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    ErrorException: file_get_contents(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known Could be an issue with DNS on your host. I would also recommend having cURL enabled if possible. The performance would be much better.
  10. HowIChrgeLazer

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    The accounts need passwords and e-mails associated with them so users can log in to auth. If no e-mails or passwords were associated with the account then they cannot. The only way it might work without having to do that is if you get your hands dirty and code a PHP script and/or MySQL query...
  11. HowIChrgeLazer

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Because the Steam addon for IPS is third party and this addon is third party, the XenForo importer doesn't migrate that data. Unfortunately, the only thing I can recommend is to have users re-auth by logging in with a username and password, then linking their steam account through External...
  12. HowIChrgeLazer

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Might be able to accomplish that by checking if they have {$visitor.externalAuth.steam}. That uses the SteamID64 of the browsing user if they have authed with Steam.
  13. HowIChrgeLazer

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Hmmm. Interesting, Thanks for the report. I'll check it out and see what's up. You should be able to use criteria and user groups to achieve that.
  14. HowIChrgeLazer

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Hey guys, once again sorry for the delay. Real life has been a whirlwind for me recently. Hmmm, I suppose that could be added as a criteria for user groups. Not a bad request at all. I'll put that on my radar. As for the cron problems. Huh, can't say for certain. Then again my test box only...
  15. HowIChrgeLazer

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    I have not heard of this issue being reported yet for other larger forms. If you can get a log that would be the most helpful, otherwise I won't be able to assist. Performance wise I would recommend making sure cURL can be used on your host. Pulling data falling back on the allow_url_fopen...
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