Recent content by ge66

  1. ge66

    📑 How to Integrate Google Programmable Search Engine with Xenforo 2.2.x

    I am using this:
  2. ge66

    What about using the Tiptap editor for XenForo?

    I kind of like the name. In Sweden it might be this you first think of when you hear the name: Hopefully it will be an editor that keeps on giving not only for christmas.
  3. ge66

    Fixed 🐛 with Turkish characters such as ö and ü

    Thank you, tested swedish å ä and they also work as ö does.
  4. ge66

    Prefix Essentials featuring auto expiring prefixes and prefix filtering [Paid]

    Maybe change the prefix when you redirect a thread, you could have a redireted-prefix. If they still have the old prefix I believe the should be counted?
  5. ge66

    Fixed 🐛 with Turkish characters such as ö and ü

    It would be nice if it was solved in the core. I hope the answer is different than last time:
  6. ge66

    Fixed 🐛 with Turkish characters such as ö and ü

    This has been up before, I also wanted something similar for swedish but gave in/gave up for the xenforo way of solving it. There are/where some addons to try to get around it, here is one:
  7. ge66

    XF 2.3 A first look at XenForo 2.3

  8. ge66

    XF 2.3 A first look at XenForo 2.3

    Can't you just disable/not turn on variations and let it work as in 2.2? I will probably do this because I have a problem fixing my dark variation to look as good as my old dark style.
  9. ge66

    XF 2.3 <xf:macro template

    Maybe this should be moved to bugs? @Paul B
  10. ge66

    XF 2.3 <xf:macro template

    I just wonder if all instances of <xf:macro template should be changed to <xf:macro id When searching for <xf:macro template among templates I find it in a lot of addons, and will wait for those to be updated. But I also find it in the following xf templates: embed_resolver_thread post_macros...
  11. ge66

    Xenvid ~vs~ Socialiath

    I sometimes think it is better to be inside the box than out of it.
  12. ge66

    XF 2.2 Registration Q&A

    Maybe change from from Q&A to something else here? admin.php?options/groups/basicBoard/#captcha
  13. ge66

    XF 2.2 webp support

    Is this what you are looking for?
  14. ge66

    Importing from xenforo 2.2.15 to 2.3.Beta 2 error

    This might help?
  15. ge66

    XF 2.3 Trending content

    Nice, but are you able to select from what nodes to collect from?
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