Recent content by Gary Becks

  1. Gary Becks

    Categories Not Shown In Search Engines?

    Looks like this issue still hasn't been addressed in the latest release.
  2. Gary Becks

    Categories Not Shown In Search Engines?

    Well hopefully this to do get's done really soon. It's killing my rankings right now . :(
  3. Gary Becks

    Auto Email Subscribe Users To Threads

    Thanks. Funny thing is this was already enabled!
  4. Gary Becks

    Auto Email Subscribe Users To Threads

    Yea, I am looking to set this by default for all users to receive one email per day for new replies to a thread that they have posted in.
  5. Gary Becks

    Auto Email Subscribe Users To Threads

    Hi, I am a member on a few Vbulletin forums and I noticed that sometimes on certain forums if I make a post in a thread I automatically get subscribed for email notifications to that thread. Is there a way to do something similar with Xenforo? Thanks..
  6. Gary Becks

    Change Site's Description

    Duuughh!:notworthy: Thanks!!(y)
  7. Gary Becks

    Change Site's Description

    Sorry if this sounds like a noob question, but I don't remember how I set the default desciption for my board and I can't seem to find it in the acp. I figured it would be in the node tree section but no luck. Can anyone tell me how to edit this? Thanks..
  8. Gary Becks

    Categories Not Shown In Search Engines?

    Thanks a lot mike. Any time frame on that release?
  9. Gary Becks

    Categories Not Shown In Search Engines?

    So am I the only person who this issue is important to? If so does anyone know of a dev who would be willing to fix this for me for a fee? Thanks.
  10. Gary Becks

    Categories Not Shown In Search Engines?

    I understand that, this feature is cool and Brogan already pointed this out for me. The problem now is that when you set your site to treat categories as pages it does just that as far as the title of the page is concerned and showing it in the serps. However, it does not show the proper...
  11. Gary Becks

    Categories Not Shown In Search Engines?

    This doesn't make any sense. A forum without categories - seriously? Does such a thing even exist? I just want a fix or a workaround. Surely it isn't something hard for the devs to implements. But until then I need something immediate to fix things for just this one category that I am trying...
  12. Gary Becks

    Categories Not Shown In Search Engines?

    It's all a matter of how you want your site structured. I personally see absolutely no reason why you wouldn't want your categories to show up in serp results. My best guess is that this was either an error in the development of Xenforo or just done based on a lack of SEO know how.?? Either...
  13. Gary Becks

    Categories Not Shown In Search Engines?

    Meta Tags and Meta Descriptions are two different things. Descriptions are used in serp results, and for categories they would be used for more than just seo purposes but also for click throughs. It is afterall the only thing a potential visitor has to read when viewing google serps and...
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