Recent content by Christian P.

  1. C

    XF 2.2 Way to display a userflag or banner if email & password has been updated recently?

    I am in the same boat. Looking to flag user that changes their email/password. Were you able to implement something?
  2. C

    XF 2.2 Notice not showing up.

    Hello! I am trying to implement a notice in our classifieds section. I would like for people to see a floating notice when they post a new 'For Sale' thread. I am using the built-in notice feature (no add-on) but somehow it does not see to work. Here is the link to the section I am referring...
  3. C

    Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    Quick simple question for this Monday....if I want to perform an upgrade to 2.1.2, do I overwrite the entire content of the Siropu folder under Add-on? Or is there any way? home/sites/expeditionportal/public_html/forum/src/addons/Siropu from...
  4. C

    Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    Sorry if this is too basic of a question...but does Ads Manager support Google Responsive Ads? We have some ads that resize properly on our main WordPress site, but not on the Xenforo forum through Ads Manager.
  5. C

    Specialist Services - vBulletin, Big Boards, Custom Imports, Community +Server Management

    We couldn't be happier with Slavik's work for our vBulletin to Xenforo migration, and for our server relocation. I can't remember how long it's been since we have been able to find people with great skills. We have a large forum and we have had some bad experience before, so we were putting a...
  6. C

    XF 2.0 Messages Per Page

    I am also very interested in this. We just did a migration and that's one request that came often
  7. C

    Thanks! We'll be buying shortly

    Thanks! We'll be buying shortly
  8. C

    Siropu Quick question (I hope this is the right place). Does the 2.0 version supports...

    Siropu Quick question (I hope this is the right place). Does the 2.0 version supports displaying banner ads "between forum categories" on the front page? Thank you!
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