Recent content by Blackbeard

  1. Blackbeard

    XF 2.2 Stopping users from editing and removing attachments

    I have it set where users can edit their posts, but they edit and remove the attachments, which I would like to prevent if they do it for other nefarious reasons. Is there a permission I am overlooking? Should I have any edit get thrown into the approval queue?
  2. Blackbeard

    Please tell me we're getting a fixed text editor soon!™

    It sounds like 3.0 is around the corner, and 2.3 is just a stepping stone.
  3. Blackbeard

    Amazon SES Bounces Support

    Please do. Let me know how I can support you.
  4. Blackbeard

    XF 2.2 Paypal IPN calls failing since last week

    I'm running into this issue now; it's rather a pain. I don't believe it to be with the XenForo side, but some type of issue with the server setup.
  5. Blackbeard

    [DigitalPoint] Better Google Analytics

    Thanks, I'm going to try that, as prior to enabling this I was getting data.
  6. Blackbeard

    [DigitalPoint] Better Google Analytics

    Did I disable a setting when I activated this, my GA4 data goes to 0.
  7. Blackbeard

    Advanced Bb Codes Pack [Paid]

    For some reason it shows up as Downloaded1.3.10 Latest 1.12.12 Not sure what's going on there, but I can't download it. My license expires in Oct.
  8. Blackbeard

    Signup abuse detection and blocking [Paid]

    Has anyone been able to distinguish users on a VPN? With Apple now supporting cloudflare VPN's inside their ios...can make it a false positive.
  9. Blackbeard

    New xEvil is defeating hCaptcha it seems

    I use Cloudflare to block certain known countries from accessing the contact, login, and registration page. If they are they are blocked, they are forwarded to a "Please email us link page". I looked my membership is not affected, and SEO shouldn't be as well. Not a solution for everyone, but...
  10. Blackbeard

    Amazon SES Bounces Support

    One thing that is odd, is the reply email is:
  11. Blackbeard

    Amazon SES Bounces Support

    Anyone seen a way to fix these errors?
  12. Blackbeard

    XenAddons AMS to XenForo Articles Converter

    Has anyone seen if this is possible yet? I have a small forum I want to test this with.
  13. Blackbeard

    Detect new login

    Here is something that I've noticed the scammers are doing is changing all the options. Feel like it's a cat and mouse game with them.
  14. Blackbeard

    Detect new login

    I'm looking for an addon that helps prevent scams (ultimate goal). Users accounts on sites that are 20+ years are being compromised, as password reuse etc happens. So this is to help recognize possibilities of an account compromised. I'd like to have an addon created that will detect if the...
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