Recent content by Xon

  1. X

    logSpamTrigger does not match getFinalDecision, resulting in the wrong action type being logged

    A major problem is how getFinalDecision is used, is a number of hard-coded switch statements use it, which makes implementing say "accept & report" (instead of moderate or deny) very hard to implement.
  2. X

    logSpamTrigger does not match getFinalDecision, resulting in the wrong action type being logged

    Except for the spam trigger log admin page, nothing reads from this table (well beyond pruning code). So removing the unique constraint and making logSpamTrigger append without overwriting and using getFinalDecision should be backwards compatible.
  3. X

    logSpamTrigger does not match getFinalDecision, resulting in the wrong action type being logged

    The XF\Spam\AbstractChecker::logSpamTrigger computes a single discussion which doesn't match how XF\Spam\AbstractChecker::getFinalDecision implements it. This can result in the spam log entry having the wrong spam trigger action. ie moderated vs denied. Additionally logSpamTrigger skips...
  4. X

    Lazy Load [img]

    I haven't updated this addon for XF2.3 yet.
  5. X

    Not a bug XF responsive design breakpoints ignore DPI & modern high resolution phones

    I think this is largely an end-user issue or a Samsung Internet Browser being kicked into a non-standard mode. So this can be marked as not-a-bug
  6. X

    Extended Ignore by Xon [Paid]

    That isn't supported.. It would be doable with additional queries. but I haven't found someone to fund that work as a priority so it is on the backburner while I work on other client work and XF2.3 updates
  7. X

    Advanced Bb Codes Pack [Paid]

    I really need samples of the html you are copy & pasting, and the raw bb-code that is causing editor issues. Screenshots just don't carry enough information to reliably reproduce all editor issues To get the raw bb-code/html; Edit the post in question, switch to bb-code mode, and then refresh...
  8. X

    Report Improvements by Xon

    I haven't had a chance to update this add-on for XF2.3 yet.
  9. X

    Fixed Edit bookmark throws internal error if bookmark message is too long

    The problem is the edit code path is this: $editor = $this->setupBookmarkEditor($bookmark); $editor->save(); $this->finalizeBookmarkEditor($editor); Instead of: $editor = $this->setupBookmarkEditor($bookmark); if (!$editor->validate($errors)) { throw...
  10. X

    Fixed Edit bookmark throws internal error if bookmark message is too long

    LogicException: Cannot save with validation errors. Use validate() to ensure there are no errors. (First error: Please enter a value using 280 characters or fewer.) src/XF/Service/ValidateAndSavableTrait.php:36 Stack trace #0 src/XF/ControllerPlugin/Bookmark.php(188)...
  11. X

    Temporary attachments should only be viewable by the session/user which adds them

    XenForo implements temporary attachments without additional constraints to view them, with the guest posting feature this sadly can be trivially exploited for spam: The only real solution is to lock viewing temporary attachments to the session which created them for guests, or for the...
  12. X

    Not a bug Paypal Merchant Technical Support recommend not relying on IPN

    Especially useful if there was a way to use existing rest API and to force it to consider a transaction to be considered payment for a user upgrade. I haven't explored the rest api, but can it access subscriptions created the old way? If so this would allow finding the latest transaction for...
  13. X

    Not a bug Paypal Merchant Technical Support recommend not relying on IPN

    While the REST api is a way forward, I think it needs a "force check paypal state" functionality for pending payments to catch the case where the webhook has failed and can't be resent would be ideal
  14. X

    Not a bug Paypal Merchant Technical Support recommend not relying on IPN

    A few sites I admin for recently experienced an issue where IPN just didn't get send. After opening a support ticket with paypal, I eventually received this: (Formatting from paypal)
  15. X

    ViewableInterface should provide a method to get required relations for canView

    This has effectively been implemented in several places in XF. I think part of the issue is while the entity structure record has a with argument, there isn't any consistent structure to how it is used/implemented for this sort of use-case (ie for view/for list/etc).
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