Recent content by Ferdinand

  1. Ferdinand

    Advanced Bb Codes Pack [Paid]

    Is it possible to add chars/graphs to this? e.g. This was previously possible with bar charts and pie charts on XF1.
  2. Ferdinand

    Replace Chartist.js with Chart.js

    Is there also a way to incorporate this into posts and messages? It seems crazy that we can't make charts and graphs from tables easily and people are using desktop software taking screenshots an inputting the images.
  3. Ferdinand

    Add-on Some new XF2 addons I'm developing, ideas & feedback welcome!

    How did you get on with BB codes extended. We would really benefit from the ability to create graphs and charts.
  4. Ferdinand

    Stats & Charts Bb Codes

    Is it possible to bring this to XF2.2+?
  5. Ferdinand

    XF 2.2 Use HTML image mapping in page nodes.

    I tried to follow this for the page I was hoping to do this on. It's a little more complex now. <p class="noselect"> <img src="" usemap="#image_map2"> <map name="image_map2"> <map id="imgmap2024426141928" name="imgmap2024426141928"> <area...
  6. Ferdinand

    XF 2.2 Use HTML image mapping in page nodes.

    Yeah thanks it's 1180 x 1180 but adjusts with the user browser, it's the coordinates changing from whatever editor I am using.
  7. Ferdinand

    XF 2.2 Use HTML image mapping in page nodes.

    Is it possible? I have created a basic image map html but for some reason it will not work, even when the page is created using HTML: <img src="ldn.png" usemap="#image_map"> <map name="image_map"> <area alt="Gordon Hospital" title="Gordon Hospital"...
  8. Ferdinand

    Print friendly [Paid]

    Does this work with AMS by Bob? 🙏
  9. Ferdinand

    Referral Contests 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    Hi @Siropu I am having an issue with Referral Contests 2 conflicting with Advanced BB codes add-on. When a user comes to register the pop up registration box doesn't work and they are take to the page /register when they complete the form. If I disable Referral Contests 2, the error stops...
  10. Ferdinand

    Scroll past bottom of page with floating notice

    This conflicts with the cookie notice for me - I think I will need to either define a new element ".u-bottomFixer2" or edit the JS to ensure it doesn't overlap with the cookie notice 😩
  11. Ferdinand

    Scroll past bottom of page with floating notice

    Has this been corrected yet? @Chris D or @Kier, would you be able to fix this in 2.3 please? Could just be a change to core_utilities.less .u-bottomFixer from sticky to fixed EDIT: Although this interferes with the cookie notice.
  12. Ferdinand

    MG 2.2 Make XFMG title persistent

    How can I make the title for media items persistent rather than appear on hover? Could I create a different effect on hover like bg highlight?
  13. Ferdinand

    Advanced Bb Codes Pack [Paid]

    Just during upgrade, I haven't been able to reproduce. :)
  14. Ferdinand

    [OzzModz] Lessons [Paid]

    Perhaps we could work together on sponsoring an assessment element. A multiple choice quiz is just one element that is standard on LMS programmes. It's vital for us to only allow lesson 2 to unlock after successful completion of lesson 1. We also need the option for varied results to result in...
  15. Ferdinand

    Advanced Bb Codes Pack [Paid]

    I upgraded from 1.13.X and I have the following error. Error: Macro public:post_macros :: post_user_content() error: Call to undefined method SV\AdvancedBbCodesPack\Repository\BbCode::get() src/addons/SV/AdvancedBbCodesPack/XF/BbCode/Renderer/HtmlPatch.php:35 Generated by: Unknown account Feb...
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