Recent content by Berkinkayalar

  1. Berkinkayalar

    [TH] Question and Answer Forums Importer

    Yeah, just like other people it doesn't import votes and chooses last answers as best answers. Looks like you don't test plugins before releasing them.
  2. Berkinkayalar

    Fixed Wordpress (Woocommerce) & Xenforo Confliction

    Hello, We are using Xenforo 2.1.11 with Wordpress 5.5.1. We are using XLink plugin for user synchronization. On the other hand, we are using WooCommerce 4.5.2. We found out that when we are trying to place order on Woocommerce, an error occurs. It couldn't send e-mail to customer, therefore...
  3. Berkinkayalar

    XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

    Hello, Currently when user registers system automatically creates two accounts (one in Wordpress and one in Xenforo) with same password. But unfortunately this doesn't apply to password changes. (It looks like there is no feature like that). When user changes its password, he/she has to change...
  4. Berkinkayalar

    UI.X 2

    Hello, Do you know how to disable sub navigation? I accidentally enabled it and can't find where to close it.
  5. Berkinkayalar

    XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

    I will just buy a new server with same server config nginx+php-fpm (nothing special) and try it in there. I will post updates.
  6. Berkinkayalar

    XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

    Of course i tried :) I even tried with deleting all plugins and themes, using the default one Wordpress comes with.
  7. Berkinkayalar

    XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

    Unfortunately, we (as website) didn't able to use it even one day. Our problem is with cookies. When we activate the Xpress/XLink plugin on Wordpress side, we can't able to login into admin panel. We talked with support and they said something just clears all cookies when we're clicking...
  8. Berkinkayalar

    XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

    Yes you can. You dont need to use theme.
  9. Berkinkayalar

    XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

    Is there is anyone running this plugin with nginx+php-fpm? The latest version just creates lots of errors but beyond that, we have a problem that after activating plugin on wordpress side, we can't able to login the wordpress admin panel afterwards. Every time something just unsets all cookies...
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